Hi, I’m new here. Kind of.


Sharing photos of your kids becomes a mom reflex.

I have that disoriented feeling I’d get as a kid on the first day of school. After three months of reading, watching TV and enjoying the sunshine, navigating the same halls I’d walked earlier that year, under the humming fluorescent lights, felt…weird. But after a day or two, it was like I’d never left.

Returning to this blog after a two-year hiatus feels the same way. At first, my posts seemed to be written by a stranger. But as I continued to read, it all became familiar again – well, kind of. It’s only been two years, but I’m a completely different person in so many ways.

Right before my last post, my husband and I decided to begin trying for a baby. I knew from friends and family that getting pregnant for the first time didn’t always happen right away (knowing that back in my younger years would have saved me a lot of anxiety, by the way), but we had no idea it would become one of the most physically and emotionally difficult journeys we’d ever taken.

Against all medical odds (my doctor admitted she had no explanation for our success), I got pregnant during my first round of IVF – with twins. My pregnancy was an adventure, to say the least*, as was my life immediately after giving birth** and in the months following***.

But I’m grateful and happy to say things have settled down, and we have a beautiful 10-month-old boy and girl. J is a sweet, cuddly, laid-back and oh-so-happy little man. L came into this world making her presence known, and she hasn’t stopped. She is sassy, curious and has no problem recognizing what she wants and making it known – but also a total sweetheart.

While this blog’s focus won’t change (after all, the balancing act becomes even more challenging in motherhood), I do plan to use this space to share some of my pregnancy and new-mom experiences because I learned so much, beyond parenting skills, from each of them. I learned about myself, my needs and what’s truly important. And I’m hoping I can help others by passing on those stories.

More to come. For now, I’m off to feed some babies, then crash. At 8:30 p.m. (key learning #1: sleep when you can).


*More on that in a later post, but pregnancy rash is seriously the worst.
**More coming on that, too
***Read more on that here.